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Gortnahoe and Glengoole Parish
Sunday, February 9, 2025

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

V. Rev. James Walton, P.P.  
Tel: 087 2396534 and 056 6634004

Parish Mass times are as follows
and are broadcast on 106.6FM

  • Sat, 8th Feb, – 6pm Glengoole                 
    Padraig Walsh, Poynstown & Grangemockler.
  • Sun, 9th Feb, – 10.30am Gortnahoe          
    Maura Wall, Fennor, 10th Anniv.
  • Sat, 15th Feb, – 6pm Glengoole
    Simon Guilfoyle, Fennor, 2nd Anniv.
  • Sun, 16th Feb, – 10.30am Gortnahoe 
    Michael Hogan, Ballysloe, Month’s Mind.
    Brendan Teehan, Grange.
    Tommy & Mary Webster, Foilacamin, Coalbrook.
    Mary Doyle, Longfordpass and deceased members of the Doyle family.

Please pray for the following

  • Joan Egan (née Cahill) whose anniversary occurs at this time and for all deceased members of the Cahill Family.

Morning Masses at 9.30am

  • Gortnahoe: Tuesday at 9.30am
    No Mass this Thursday, Jan 30th.
  • Glengoole: Wednesday and Friday at 9.30am
  • Gluten Free Holy Communion is available at all Masses.

Eucharistic Adoration

  • Glengoole Wed 10am to 2pm    
  • Gortnahoe Thurs 10am to 1pm.
    Come sit awhile in silent prayer.

The Rosary
The Rosary will be recited before Mass in Glengoole every Saturday evening.

Confirmation Ceremony
Will be held in Gortnahoe Church on Friday, Feb 28th at 11.00am. Unfortunately, due to circumstances outside of his control, Archbishop Kieran cannot attend on the day. On his behalf, Fr. Walton PP has been delegated to confirm the children this year.  Congratulations to all the confirmation children on their preparations for the sacrament during the past week by means of the ‘Ceremony of Light’ last Wednesday night in Glengoole Church and their retreat held last Friday in Holy Cross Abbey. Please continue to keep them in your prayers over the coming three weeks as they continue their preparations for this important milestone in their spiritual lives.

White Envelope Collections
A reminder that payment by cheque for any white envelope collection throughout the year must be made out to “Gortnahoe Parish a/c”.

Visitation of the Sick
An essential part of every priest’s duty and ministry is to visit those who are sick in his parish, whether in their homes or they are in hospital.  As stated on previous occasions, if you have a family member who is sick, in hospital or in nursing care anywhere, please let Fr. Walton know so that he may visit them and to administer the sacraments if and when required. Also if there are any elderly or housebound who would like to receive Holy Communion, please let him know so that he can add them to his monthly visitation list.

Vigil in Honour of Our Lady of Lourdes
Tues, Feb. 11th in Bóthar na Naomh Church, Thurles. Vigil will commence with Rosary at 6.15 p.m.; mass at 7.00 p.m., followed by Holy Hour. Celebrant: Fr. John Makoni, C.C., Cashel.

Glengoole NS Junior Infant Open Evening
Glengoole NS Junior Infant Open Evening 2025 on Thursday 13th February at 6.30pm. This is an opportunity for young children and their parents to visit the school, and meet the teachers and other children and families enrolling for September 2025.

Men on the Move Exercise Classes
Men on the Move Exercise Classes will return on Monday 10th February in the Millennium Family Resource Centre 11:15-12:15. Tutor Biddy O'Dwyer (Fitness Instructor and mature adult exercise specialist). Please Contact Alice Teehan 083-1014313 for further information.

The Jubilee Prayer

Father in heaven, may the faith you have given us
in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,
and the flame of charity enkindled i
n our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
reawaken in us the blessed hope
for the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us into tireless
cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within
both humanity and the whole cosmos
in the sure expectation of a new
heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,
your glory will shine eternally.
May the grace of the Jubilee 
reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,
a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
May that same grace spread the joy
and peace of our Redeemer
throughout the earth.
To you our God, eternally blessed,
be glory and praise for ever.  Amen.

Parish Newsletter
All emails can now be directed before Thursday 6pm to:
or to: Nic Wilson, Carmel Troy, Stella Lanigan and Rena Ryan

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