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Gortnahoe and Glengoole Parish
Sunday, March 16, 2025

Second Sunday of Lent

V. Rev. James Walton, P.P.  
Tel: 087 2396534 and 056 663 4004

Parish Mass times are as follows and are broadcast on 106.6FM

  • Sat, 15th March, – 6pm Glengoole
    Paddy, Mary and Paul Raleigh, Ballinastick
    Ned and Catherine Hayes, Ballinastick
  • Sun, 16th March, 10.30am Gortnahoe    
    Ronan Stanley, Georgespark, 3rd Anniversary.  
  • Mon, 17th March, 9am Glengoole & 10.30am Gortnahoe
    Nora and Tony O’Neill and deceased members of the O’Neill and Grant families
  • Sat, 22nd March, 6pm Glengoole
  • Sun, 23rd March, 10.30am Gortnahoe

Pray For the following

    • Edward and Elizabeth Grant, Coalbrook, whose anniversaries occur at this time.

Morning Masses at 9.30am

  • Gortnahoe: Tuesday and Thursday at 9.30am
  • Glengoole: Wednesday and Friday at 9.30am
  • Gluten Free Holy Communion is available at all Masses.

The Rosary
The Rosary will be recited before Mass in Glengoole every Saturday evening.

Eucharistic Adoration

  • Glengoole Wed 10am to 2pm    
  • Gortnahoe Thurs 10am to 1pm.
    Come sit awhile in silent prayer.

Monday, 17th March - Feast of St. Patrick:
The true purpose of this annual Feast Day of our National Apostle and the Principal Patron of our country is to celebrate the bringing of faith in God and Jesus Christ to our country. Today we celebrate our faith, our culture, our Irish heritage by brushing up on the little bit of Irish we may have by speaking the ‘cúpla focal’. As we give praise and thanks to God this day for the dedicated mission and ministry of Patrick, let us also pray that we may live ‘in the brightness of the glory of Jesus Christ our Redeemer’. Masses on Monday, March 17th - Glengoole at 9am and Gortnahoe at 10.30am.

Trocaire Boxes are available in both Churches.
Trocaire Boxes are still available in both Churches for the support of those in need in the Third World. Please ensure that you take a box home with you or even one for a neighbour who cannot attend Mass. A little can make a great difference for others.

Friendship in Faith Meetings for Young Adults
Friendship in Faith Meetings for Young Adults in Bohernanave Church on the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month at 8pm. Meetings include prayer, adoration, scripture and reflection.  Upcoming dates are March 7th and 21st and April 4th

Meet the Saints
On four of the Mondays of Lent, at 7.45pm in Lámh Chúnta, the lives of some well-known saints and some less well known will be examined. Beginning on Monday, March 10th, on the Martyrs of Cashel & Emly Diocese. All are welcome.

Vigil in Honour of Feast of the Annunciation
Tues, 25th March in Bóthar na Naomh Church. Vigil commences with Rosary at 6.30 pm, Mass at 7.00 pm, followed by Holy Hour. Conducted by Fr. James Purcell.

Meetings for Young Adults
Friendship in Faith Meetings for Young Adults in Bohernanave Church on the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month at 8pm. Meetings include prayer, adoration, scripture and reflection.  Upcoming dates are March 21st and April 4th.

Cashel & Emly Archdiocesan 51st Anniversary Pilgrimage to Lourdes
Cashel & Emly Archdiocesan 51st Anniversary Pilgrimage To Lourdes takes place from June 13th - 18th. Pilgrimage Director: Rev. Jimmy Donnelly. Bookings and Enquires: Contact Joe Walsh Tours @ or 01 241 0800. Assisted Pilgrims only, please contact: Very Rev. Joe Tynan, PP: or 087 222 5445.

Men on the Move Classes
Men on the Move Classes every Monday 11:15-12:15 in MFRC to book a place please contact Alice 083-1014313.

Ballysloe Breakfast Morning
Ballysloe Breakfast Morning on Sunday 16th March, 10am to 12.30, all welcome.
Senior Social Group every Wednesday
Senior Social Group every Wednesday afternoon 1pm-3pm. This includes 2 course meal followed by tea/coffee and live music, with transport to and from the centre available. Please contact Alice Teehan on 083-1014313 for further information.

Split the Pot draw for March
Split the Pot for March will be in support of the Prayer Garden beside Gortnahoe Church. Envelopes available at usual outlets. You can also Revolut to 087-6777220

Hail, glorious St. Patrick, dear Saint of our Isle,
On us thy poor children bestow a sweet smile.
And now thou art high in thy mansions above,
On Erin’s green valleys look down in thy love.
On Erin’s green valleys, on Erin’s green valleys,
On Erin’s green valleys, look down in thy love

St. Patrick's Evening Prayer
Blessed be God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Blessed be God for ever. I will exalt you, O God my King, I will extol you, my God and King, and bless your name forever and ever.
Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona daoibh go léir!!

Parish Newsletter
All emails can now be directed before Thursday 6pm to:
or to: Nic Wilson, Carmel Troy, Stella Lanigan and Rena Ryan

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