Gortnahoe and Glengoole Parish
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Sixrh Sunday in Ordinary Time
V. Rev. James Walton, P.P.
Tel: 087 2396534 and 056 6634004
Parish Mass times are as follows
and are broadcast on 106.6FM
- Sat, 15th Feb, – 6pm Glengoole
Simon Guilfoyle, Fennor, 2nd Anniv.
- Sun, 16th Feb, – 10.30am Gortnahoe
Michael Hogan, Ballysloe, Month’s Mind.
Brendan Teehan, Grange.
Tommy & Mary Webster, Foilacamin, Coalbrook.
Mary Doyle, Longfordpass and deceased members of the Doyle family.
- Wed, 19th Feb, – 9.30am Glengoole
James & Marie Ryan, Clonora and The Hayes family, Errill, Co. Laois.
- Sat, 22nd Feb, – 6pm Glengoole
Peter Gleeson, Mardyke & deceased family members
- Sun, 23rd Feb, – 10.30am Gortnahoe
Louise Guilfoyle, Urard
Mary Fitzpatrick, Newhall, Grange, Months Mind.
Please pray for the following
William (Bill) Carey, Clonmel, father of Anne Marie Tobin, Coalbrook, who has died. Funeral on Sunday, details on rip.ie
Morning Masses at 9.30am
- Gortnahoe: Tuesday and Thursday at 9.30am
- Glengoole: Wednesday and Friday at 9.30am
- Gluten Free Holy Communion is available at all Masses.
Eucharistic Adoration
- Glengoole Wed 10am to 2pm
- Gortnahoe Thurs 10am to 1pm.
Come sit awhile in silent prayer.
The Rosary
The Rosary will be recited before Mass in Glengoole every Saturday evening.
Visitation of the Sick
An essential part of every priest’s duty and ministry is to visit those who are sick in his parish, whether in their homes or they are in hospital. As stated on previous occasions, if you have a family member who is sick, in hospital or in nursing care anywhere, please let Fr. Walton know so that he may visit them and to administer the sacraments if and when required. Also if there are any elderly or housebound who would like to receive Holy Communion, please let him know so that he can add them to his monthly visitation list.
Confirmation Ceremony
Will be held in Gortnahoe Church on Friday, Feb 28th at 11.00am. Because of the large number of pupils for reception of this sacrament this year, it is recommended that only the immediate family members (parents & siblings) and sponsor should attend the ceremony in the Church.
It is desirable that the sponsor chosen be the one who undertook this role at baptism. If this is not possible, then a new sponsor may be chosen, but the following conditions must be fulfilled:
- Be not less than 16 years of age.
- Be a catholic who has been confirmed and who lives a life of faith which befits the role to be undertaken.
- Not be either the Father or Mother of the person to be confirmed.
- It is also highly recommended that the name chosen for Confirmation should be that of a saint of the Church.
400 Club Draw
Next Tuesday, Feb 18th in Gortnahoe Community Hall at 8pm.
Ballysloe Breakfast
Ballysloe Breakfast on Sunday 16th February from 10am till 12.30 – all welcome.
The Dormitory Pop Up Café
At Holycross Abbey, Sat, Feb 22nd from 10am to 5pm in aid of the Dillon Quirke Foundation (dedicated to raising awareness and funding for heart screening programs for young athletes). Join us for a day of delicious treats and warm beverages while supporting a great cause!
Friendship in Faith Meetings for Young Adults
In Bohernanave Church on the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month at 8pm. Meetings include prayer, adoration, scripture and reflection. Dates are Feb 21st; March 7th and 21st; April 4th and 25th*; May 9th* and 23rd*; June 6th and 20th; *Social Night on Feb 28th. You are welcome to attend any night that suits you. Note: Dates marked with an asterisk are not 1st/3rd of the month due to event clash.
June 13th - 18th. Pilgrimage Director: Rev. Jimmy Donnelly. Bookings & Enquires: Contact Joe Walsh Tours @ info@joewalshtours.ie or 01 241 0800. Assisted Pilgrims only, please contact: Very Rev. Joe Tynan, PP: lourdesassistedpilgrimage@cashel-emly.ie or 087 222 5445.
Parish Newsletter
All emails can now be directed before Thursday 6pm to: gortnahoeglengooleparish@gmail.com
or to: Nic Wilson, Carmel Troy, Stella Lanigan and Rena Ryan
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